
New Tutorials


This video shows you how to adjust the timing of any Fusion Title in Resolve 15. You can adjust both the built in Fusion Titles or any custom ones you have made or downloaded.


In the new Resolve 16 beta, they have added a feature called Quick Export. This feature has some default settings, but in this video I show you how you can create your own custom settings.


This video demonstrates how to change the length of a Fusion composition in Davinci Resolve 15.

Windows 10 - Change Default Browser

 is a little more difficult to change the default browser in the new Windows 10. You have to click on the start button, choose settings. Next you click on System. You then go down to "Default Apps" and click it. You can then click on the default web browser and choose an alternate browser, Microsoft Edge is selected by default.


Replace Hyundai Key Fob Battery

If your smart key(key FOB)  for your 2012 Hyundai Sonata has stopped working, then  the problem is most likely the battery. It is pretty simple to replace it and I show you step by step in this video. The procedure shown in the video should also work for similar model year Kia vehicles.

Onscreen Keyboard - Enable or Disable in Windows 8.1 - Windows 8.1 Tutorial - Onscreen Keyboard - Enable or Disable in Windows 8.1


This video demonstrates how to enable or disable the onscreen ( on screen ) virtual keyboard in Microsoft Windows 8.1. It also show how you can enable it so it starts when you boot the PC and logon.


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